James Bakian – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the pop artist, James Bakian, reveals who he would want on his ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the pop artist, James Bakian, reveals who he would want on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
I’m a 17-year-old singer-songwriter and producer so I haven’t had the chance to tour yet but I can’t wait for the day I get to tour for the first time. I can’t even begin to imagine how amazing it would feel to connect with every person in the audience through my own music.
Personally, I have to owe my musical journey to some artists who inspire me as a person and have had a massive impact on the music I’m creating right now. So, if I ever had the chance to perform on my dream tour, I’d do it with four amazing musicians. One of those is Michael Jackson, the first performer who ever sparked something in me back when I was only 6 years old after I watched his documentary ‘This Is It’ after he passed. After I saw the magic of what he did, all I wanted to do was follow in his footsteps, which led to me writing a song for the first time, but as the years went by and distractions came around, my fascination with music faded, until…
I found Adam Levine when I was about 11, and that’s when things really kicked off. It was Adam Levine who made me realize the natural passion I had for song-writing hidden inside me because after endlessly obsessing over the albums Maroon 5 made I gave it a try and that momentum just never went away and I can never forget walking on the beach and trying to write for real for the first time.
A little later on I found xxxtentacion, the next artist I’d want to perform with for my dream tour. I found myself addicted to the raw emotion and energy in his music pretty fast, and he fascinated me as a person as well as an artist. I could see that all the diverse music he made came from the heart, and I felt like I could relate to him emotionally in that way because that’s what I’m aiming to be like one day. I really wanted to see him live, so when he passed it was like everything turned upside down. One of my heroes was gone, so if I could bring him back for one day to perform with me, that would be a dream.
Finally, the gifted musician I find myself appreciating more and more is Charlie Puth. Music is literally in him, and he’s exactly the kind of musician I aspire to be like. I love how the music he writes, sings, and produces is all already pre-crafted in his head, and his job is to organize it, which he does amazingly. That’s what I found in myself as a writer, singer, and producer. Making a song with Charlie would be a dream come true for me, especially because I still have so much to learn from him.
If it wasn’t for these artists I wouldn’t have discovered this love I have for creating music and I wouldn’t be writing this blog, so that’s pretty insane to think about!