Jack Eye Jones – TOUR TIPS
This set of Tour Tips was written by the DJ, Jack Eye Jones. You can check out his tips for being on tour, after the break.

This set of Tour Tips was written by the DJ, Jack Eye Jones. You can check out his tips for being on tour, after the break.
1. Get familiar with your bus: no point waiting till the end of your tour before you work out what this or that button does. Like how to get the music working or the TV for example!
2. Get your shoes off at the door, make sure everyone else does, treat it like an extension of your home.
3. Pray for an understanding bus driver, as it gets messy.
4. Don’t bring any smelly people!
5. Bring a good sound system, the ones on buses are usually not very good.
I try not to treat the tour bus like an extension of a party.
The first time I had one, I had a black eye and everyone was fighting. It was brilliant, definitely the way forward, so when I have the chance I always get a tour bus. It means you can hang out with your mates after a gig, and all go to the next one, picking up different mates along the way and getting to hang out.
I actually haven’t been on a tour bus with a shower yet, so we usually crash one of our friends places or get a hotel room and everyone goes there to freshen up.
I’m in the process of booking a bus just now for our November tour, as the Ibiza season is over and we’re now taking our Ibiza Sessions tour around Scotland. If I was in the same place long enough, I think I would buy a bus: if I decide to move over to LA next year, I’ll buy one and get on the road!
Keep up with Jack Eye Jones on Facebook and Twitter!
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