In this Dream Tour segment, the electro pop artist, Izabel, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the electro pop artist, Izabel, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
First off, thanks so much for having me on Digital Tour Bus!! Ok, so my Dream Tour….. that’s a very loaded question considering so many artists and bands have inspired me both with and beyond their music. With that being said, I would have to choose the ones who have had the biggest impact on me personally. The bands “Paramore” and “Catfish And The Bottlemen” are without a doubt those people.
I started listening to “Paramore” religiously when I was eleven. Like most teenagers listening to pop-punk music, the lyrics were what got me most. Not to disregard the fact that Hayley Williams is possibly the greatest vocalist of all time! Their music was something to run to when I felt like I had nothing and no one. Songs like Last hope and Let the flames begin gave me the courage to push through my darkest moments.
Now, imagine drinking 10 cups of coffee and being forced to sit down and not move. That’s how I feel listening to “Catfish And The Bottlemen.” They started from nothing, playing shows as much as they could, putting CDs of their music on people’s windshields hoping someone would listen. Now they’ve headlined some of the biggest festivals and toured with bands like “Green Day.”
A while ago I was looking for an artist to collaborate with for my song 2 steps back. I went about it by looking up Catfish And The Bottlemen covers on youtube. One of the people I reached out to is now one of my best friends. That never would have happened if it wasn’t for their music.
Being able to share a stage with either of these bands would be a DREAM come true. Getting to see them perform backstage each night on top of that? Insane!
Keep up with her on Instagram.