In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer-songwriter, Isa Reyes, reveals what she does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer-songwriter, Isa Reyes, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals, after the break.
This is kind of gross but I get really nervous before shows, specifically right before I go on stage, and sometimes, weirdly enough as a result of those nerves, my throat gets kind of mucusy… it just happens. But it’s also really inconvenient as you can imagine so before going on you will never catch me drinking milk or dairy of any kind.
I also try to stay away from coffee the day of shows but I am someone who needs caffeine most days. I always drink coconut water before or during a show. I try to hum to clear out my throat and do vocal warm-ups.
When I was in a band in high school called BADMOUTH we used to always get a LOT of chicken nuggets at Crown Fried (if you are from NYC, you know what’s good) but you won’t catch me doing anything like that anymore. I actually prefer to eat after shows, I think because I get so nervous I prefer to not have much in my stomach otherwise I’ll feel kind of weird.
I used to rub this ring my mom gave me but I don’t do that anymore. I shake my hands to try to dispel some of that nervous energy. My friend caught me on video just staring off into space before a performance so I guess maybe I do that too. Most importantly I try to remember to thank my angels up there watching me.