innerspace – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the progressive rock band, innerspace, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the progressive rock band, innerspace, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
Joe (Drums):
Copeland – One of my favorite bands of all time. Super emotional shows. At the last show, I went to there were people crying while singing everywhere you looked. Every album is unique and better than the last.
Protest the Hero – One of my favorite bands to listen to while I’m on the go. They put on one hell of a show. Super energetic and super technical. Everything about this band is superb. Plus they’re Canadian so they have to be super nice.
Andrew W.K. – I don’t listen to Andrew W.K. often, but when I do, it’s because it’s time to party and it’s time to party hard. Being on tour with Andrew W.K would be a 24-hour rage fest. It would totally be worth the damage to my liver.
Weston (Bass, Vocals):
Circa Survive – Super engaging live performances. Anthony Green always keeps the energy level high, and the band’s music fosters a sense of community I’ve never felt before. Their guitar work definitely holds some influence in some of our own riffs.
Architects – While they’re definitely heavier than us, we share a lot of common themes and messages behind our music that I think resonate with each other. It would be amazing to do a charitable benefit tour toward a cause we both support like animal welfare and environmentalism.
Underoath – This band is really what got me into a lot of the music I enjoy now. I appreciate their ability to grow as a band; the way they got back together, and how they were open and honest about how their beliefs evolved. I’ve always appreciated their ability to incorporate a heavy sound with synth effects too, which I think we do to a certain extent as well.
Kevin (Guitar):
Circa Survive- Phenomenal live shows. The way they actively involve the crowd in the fun always makes for an unforgettable party.
Agent Fresco- Innovative compositions that can make your head spin, but still beautifully personal and intimate. A perfect mix of raw emotion and technical musicianship.
Propagandhi- Hard-hitting songs with deep meaning, but they don’t take themselves too seriously. Probably a blast to hang out with when not being blown off the stage by them. Life-changing band!
Spencer (Vocals, Keys, Guitar):
Architects; Circa Survive; Bring Me The Horizon – I’ve always been a huge fan of bands with awesome live productions, but Architects is particularly special to me because they aren’t afraid to stand for something. We’re like that too and I hope some of that comes through in Baiji and the rest of the new album.
Matt (Guitar):
Muse – If we are talking about live production I’m not sure if any band comes close to Muse. While their shows include immense production, props, and technology, it doesn’t detract or try to cover up anything about the music performance itself. They are flawless. Matt Bellamy is a virtuoso and I’m not sure if there is a better live performer in any genre or medium. Their approach to concept albums is something that we draw inspiration from for sure. Going on tour with them would allow us to play some huge venues, including Red Rocks; which is about 30 minutes from where we live, but we’ve never played there (yet).
Early 2000’s blink-182 – Blink isn’t a great genre fit for us but oh boy how fun would it be to tour with them in their prime. What an unforgettable and hilarious time it would be. The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show is an iconic live album. They were essentially the reason (along with the movie Empire Records) that I wanted to start playing music. I really liked Mark and wanted to play bass initially, but my dad encouraged me to start with the guitar, which looking back, I am very glad he did. I really love and appreciate how experimental they got with their self-titled album and Neighborhoods.
Thrice – If asked, I would call Thrice my favorite band. I’ve been listening to them for almost 20 years now. I truly admire and respect them for pushing the boundaries and doing something completely different every album, instead of trying to chase and replicate past successes. They are true artists, doing it for the sake of art itself. Like Muse, they are flawless live. Dustin is a tremendous singer but perhaps my favorite lyricist; he has written some of the most compelling and beautiful lyrics I’ve ever heard/read. In terms of the band’s sound, and how I write songs, Thrice is absolutely the biggest influence.