Hibernator - TOUR TIPS
Join us as Hibernator recommends advice for being a musician on the road.

In this Tour Tips segment, the post-hardcore band, Hibernator, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips below:
Here are our top 5 tour tips for being on the road as a DIY band.
#5 – Try to bring extra sticks, strings, power cables, and start the tour with new heads on your drums. As a band who plays loud music, we’re always wanting the best portrayal of our music. So, we make sure our stuff is fresh and ready before hitting the road. It’s always good to have extra strings and sticks on the off night that you break one. Then you don’t have to search for a music store before a show.
#4 – When you’re packing clothes try packing lighter. For us, we tend to buy the band's shirts were playing with to help support other up-and-coming artists. It also makes it easier to throw all our clothes in together when we find a place to do laundry.
#3 – Fill your water bottles! Whenever you can try to keep your water bottles full. Most bar nights you know you’ll get some drink tickets, and you want to stay hydrated.
#2 – Bring a sleeping bag! You never know when it's going to get too cold. We spent a pretty cold night in the van in Reno, NV and it was nice having a sleeping bag in that situation.
#1 – Always interact with people, give energy on and off the stage, talk to people at your merch table, and try to make interactions with everyone at every show big or small. This is how you build your fans!
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