Here’s To The Heroes – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by the guitarist of Here’s To The Heroes, Curtis Boeing. You can check out his five tips after the break.

Here’s To The Heroes – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by the guitarist of Here’s To The Heroes, Curtis Boeing. You can check out his five tips after the break.

1. Headphones, it helps kill boredom and it’s something that will help dampen the roaring sound of your bassist snoring or doing something even worse.

2. Everyone should bring there own book bag of the stuff their gonna need. You should also have a tour survival kit, small things you know you’ll need. (Power inverter to charge phones, fresh socks, hoodie/jacket, sleeping bag that’s rated for sub temperatures, batteries, basic tools, Advil, Imodium, a few bucks, pens and paper, your favorite pillow and don’t forget a toothbrush, deodorant and TP!!!)

3. Water bottles for drinking and sometimes peeing in when your running late to a show and can’t stop somewhere.

4. Use the buddy system! Never make the driver go it alone. It’s much safer and more fun having someone to talk to and keep you alert. Also Triple A is great to have!

5. Cameras.. You’ll most likely see lots of once in a lifetime kinda things happen and you wont want to miss them.

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