Havok – TOUR TIPS (Part 2 of 2)

Metal band, Havok, have written a set of Tour Tips that you guys can learn from. You can check out part 2 of 2 after the break.

Havok – TOUR TIPS (Part 2 of 2)

Metal band, Havok, have written a set of Tour Tips that you guys can learn from. You can check out part 2 of 2 after the break.

6. Try to sleep at fans/friends/families houses. Keeps costs down and you will get a shower!
7. Walmart is always a safe place to park for the night as they are RV and camper friendly.
8. Pack light! This will help keep things less congested in your van or whatever you are touring in. I literally have one small duffle bag with my life contents in it!
9. Try to keep optimistic. If you have a bad show don’t fret about it. It happens. Expect it. You are in a new city basically every night! Tomorrow will be better.
10. Have fun! That is what it is all about! Playing music and making others happy by doing so!

Make sure to check out Havok on Facebook and Twitter.