GoldRush – TOUR TIPS
Here is a brand new set of five awesome Tour Tips. This set comes from the electronic artist, GoldRush, out of Los Angeles, CA! You can check out his tips after the break.

Here is a brand new set of five awesome Tour Tips. This set comes from the electronic artist, GoldRush, out of Los Angeles, CA! You can check out his tips after the break.
1. Don’t Speed / Text while you drive. Not only is it dangerous, but ya know….you don’t want to be the reason you lose 45 mins of drive time (or perhaps something more) by the cops, do you? Right lane is for lovers! And, folks, we aint fighters. Plus it keeps things safe and the older I get the more I think “I’m turning into my mother!”…but lets be safe out there, we got gigs to play. Hi, mom! :)
2. It’s Good To Be…Dumb? Occasionally you and your band mates will stumble upon an opportunity to go to an unlimited pizza buffet / arcade / amusement park on crack. You don’t want to be a boring little borerson from boresville, USA, do you? Be sure to take advantage of those moments. Totally some of my favorite times with Goldrush have been when we, together…as a family, do these dumb random things. Also, now that smart phones are pretty popular, its a good way to show your friends back home. Remember when we had to take photos and take them somewhere and wait a week to have them develop and then go back to that place to pick them up and then open an envelope and then look at it and say “delete it!!”? Now we can do it so much easier. Anyway, yeah…dumb’s good sometimes.
3. Planet Earth – I love Planet Earth. I sometimes stream it to my phone and kinda think about that other big picture. You don’t want to lose sight of the big picture like an ignorant mole, do you? I also enjoy hearing some mind numbing facts at the less sober parts of the night. Really?!? Only 3% of the water on this planet is drinkable?!? Helps keep the brain thinking about a few other things as to not become a road-zombie.
4. Playlist – I like to put together a playlist for the trip. The playlist is busted out only once, never more. You don’t want to be the person that hogs the radio like a musical piggly wiggly, do you? However, when you find the right moment to bust out the playlist it can be a fun addition to the night. Probably best to not do the five hour mega-best-of type playlist (sorry previous bands i’ve played in), but maybe like a sweet 50 min round house kick to the vibe at a cool moment. I was so pumped to play a mix on this last trip where we were all chillin’ in a hotel room. I won’t get into what happened next, but…yes…we’re all pregnant now.
5. Packzilla – Packing your bags is pretty important. You don’t want to occupy valuable real estate in a cramped van, do you? I usually try to take enough clothes to last me from one laundry stop to the next. The bag needs to have plenty of room for the laptop, chargers, toiletries, books, cookies, what have you’s, and of course…your lighter. Also, if you know you have a long drives ahead, be sure to pack…things…to occupy your time while staring off into the seemingly endless vastness of the land mass we’re on. Also, sometimes laundry stops don’t happen as often as you would imagine. So, you know, try to at least shower daily. The dirty truth everyone.