Glass Tides – TOUR PRANKS

In this Tour Pranks segment, the post-hardcore band, Glass Tides, chats about pranks that have happened on tour.

Glass Tides

In this Tour Pranks segment, the post-hardcore band, Glass Tides, chats about pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the story, after the break.

So we played a show in Adelaide, Australia (Hometown), with our good friends “The Away Game”. The whole show was themed with a “party” vibe.
Straight off the bat everyone was sinking a few frothies & getting pretty loose before we hit the stage, the vibes were high & we had a few plans up our sleeve to mess with the guys when they went on stage, not thinking that they would get us first.
So we get on stage & start our set. Roughly mid-set, about 4 songs in I think, the lads from The Away Game came running out and started shotgunning cans of beer for us to skull (shotgunning is where you pierce the bottom of a can with a key or something, then open the can and skull). While simultaneously wrapping Paul in streamers & just running amuck on stage mid-song.
They wouldn’t let up, & the crowd started getting around it as well, so before we knew it Paul & Jack were picking up the vocals whenever one or the other had beer being poured down, on the spot just winging it, meanwhile, George on drums is having his cymbals pulled further and further away from him while playing, so he ended up playing the rest of the song on only the hi-hats.
We ended up getting back at them with several shoeys & shotguns, as well as playing a game of beer pong on stage while they performed, but they definitely outdid us haha.
Probably one of the funniest shows we have played, just absolutely letting loose!

Keep up with the band on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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