In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop rock artist, Gareth Dunlop, reveals what he does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop rock artist, Gareth Dunlop, reveals what he does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals, after the break.
I usually try to get a quiet hour or so before a show… I like to be away from everybody and in my own space thinking and trying to centre myself. I have a weird thing that always happens… I start yawning incessantly! It’s not because I’m tired.. it just happens uncontrollably.
I must look like the most odd and bored guy before a gig!
I never eat much before a gig.. maybe some fruit, crisps or nuts. I don’t like that feeling of being on stage with a belly full of food. I eat BIG after I come off stage. I normally have a guitar backstage to mess around on… I run sections of each song and warm up my voice with some exercises.
A few minutes before I walk out I crack my neck, start pacing around pretty quick and jumping up and down. It gets the blood moving and it’s somewhere to put that early blast of adrenaline.