Gabe Kubanda – TOUR TIPS
This set of Tour Tips was written by the indie pop artist, Gabe Kubanda. You can check out his tips for touring, after the break.

This set of Tour Tips was written by the indie pop artist, Gabe Kubanda. You can check out his tips for touring, after the break.
1. Empty gallons of oil are the BEST Pee jars! Especially with the ones with the handles. Way better than filling up a small water bottle, and hoping it doesn’t overflow!
2. Pack efficiently, because no one else on your tour will!
3. Bring lots of sunscreen and use it liberally! The spray on kind doesn’t work as well, found that out the hard way.
4. Drink tons of water. I’ve had multiple tour mates pass out from heat exhaustion.
5. Work hard and have FUN doing it! If music is your life, then music is your job, so make it the best job ever, and make everyone else wish they had your job!
Keep up with Gabe Kubanda on Facebook and Twitter!
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