In this First Concert Ever segment, Sam Nelson of the alternative pop band, Five AM, talks about his first concert ever.


In this First Concert Ever segment, Sam Nelson of the alternative pop band, Five AM, talks about his first concert ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

The first concert I ever went to was at the Riviera Theatre in Chicago, IL. I was sixteen at the time. I went to see Underoath supported by Saosin, The Devil Wears Prada, and Person L. I’d only ever listened to Underoath before. I went with three of my close friends from high school who were also fans of Underoath.
I remember being dropped off outside of the venue, passing through security, and then finding a space to watch the stage for the rest of the night. The Riviera was packed. I remember the way the venue smelled of dried beer and occasionally of marijuana just after a cloud of smoke rose from somewhere within the crowd. I remember the feeling of excitement and anticipation as the bands came on and off of the stage.
I immediately got goosebumps when Underoath’s set began. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. There was so much tension built from the time I arrived at the time they began playing. I’d never heard anything so loud or seen so many lights flashing in my life. You could feel the electricity and energy in the room. It was a night I’ll never forget. It was a night that encouraged me to pursue music. I don’t believe I would be the same person doing the same things had I not attended the show.
After the show, I started listening to the other bands that played that night. Saosin became my favorite band for some time after that. Looking back, I probably wouldn’t have listened to Saosin if I hadn’t gone to that show. I learned how important it is for bands to play out and tour as often as possible.

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