In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative pop artist, fae, reveals who she would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative pop artist, fae, reveals who she would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
Sometimes I really struggle with thinking big when it comes to “dream” anything, so I’m going to do my absolute best here. I’ve actually never been on tour before (but I’d love to go *hint hint* to anyone reading this) but in my dream world, I get to work with all of my favorite artists and create a whole experience.
The Fae Kit Till You Make It tour starts right now, and is sponsored by Chipotle and Casamigos because your girl loves burritos and tequila and what could make tour more chaotic and borderline unmanageable. Alright, let’s get started.
Halsey: Anyone who has ever had a conversation with me for more than 10 minutes is not going to be surprised at all by my first pick for my dream tour lineup: Halsey. Becoming an artist is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do with my life, but there was a small point when I began to lose faith and wonder if that would really be my path…and then Badlands came out. To this day, Halsey’s debut album is what I credit me pursuing music to, and she is still hands down my favorite artist. I still remember listening to it and thinking wow, this is exactly the type of music I want to make and the impact I want to have on people. They also seem like a wonderful human being and someone who would make tour an absolute blast. Halsey if you’re reading this, my DMs are open and also I love you.
Banks: Banks is another all time favorite. I think Beggin For Thread has been my ringtone for at least 5 years now and it does not ever get old. Banks music and performance abilities are such a massive inspiration to me – she makes music that is so interesting and uniquely her own that no one has come even close to touching, and her performances are such an experience.
Cashmere Cat: I was introduced to Cashmere Cat almost a decade ago and he has been a favorite of mine since then (shout out to my ex for introducing his music to me lol). I’ve loved all of his live shows that I’ve been to and think he would be such an incredible addition to the mix. His music is endlessly inspiring to me in its ability to experiment and creativity, and he also just seems like a delightful human being, even if I used to think he was a small Swedish woman before I knew what Cashmere Cat looked like.
Megan Thee Stallion: I mean…does this one even require an explanation? Obviously the hot girl herself is coming on tour. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY gets people hype like Megan. I’m obsessed with her music, her energy, the whole thing – I’ve never seen her live but somehow I can’t imagine a dream tour without her. Also the thought of getting to shake ass with some fellow hotties while she plays? Immaculate, unbeatable, incredible.
Manifesting that this becomes a reality one day, and until then? Stream devil may care (or else) (just kidding) (…unless?)