Everybody Loves An Outlaw – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the country music duo, Everybody Loves An Outlaw, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.

Everybody Loves An Outlaw

In this Tour Tips segment, the country music duo, Everybody Loves An Outlaw, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.

1. Forget fast food, grocery stores are the late-night snack you’re missing. Fresh cherries? Peanut butter? Cheeses of all kinds? We skip the fast food and late-night binge on grocery store eats. They are way tastier and we feel better the next day.
2. Make friends on the road and stay with them. Hotels are great, and sometimes a hotel stay is what you really need, but they can also be so weird and lonesome. We love homestays with fans and friends when we’re on the road.
3. Find a dog and pet it, daily. Enough said.
4. Drink so much water. It’s really easy to get dehydrated when you’re traveling and performing and singing is so much harder when you’re dehydrated. HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE. Water bottles with straws make you drink a lot more than ones without them.
5. Set healthy boundaries for yourself touring. If you know 5 weeks is the longest you can be on the road, make sure you stick to that and don’t push yourself too hard. Take time to recoup and rest between tours. Wash all your laundry and put it away in your closet before you pack it back up again.

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