Eternal Frequency – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the hard rock band, Eternal Frequency, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the hard rock band, Eternal Frequency, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
Emelle Elizabeth – Hey guys! I’m Emelle and I am the lead vocalist of up-and-coming Central Pennsylvania Hard Rock/Metalcore band Eternal Frequency! I’m super stoked about this opportunity to chat about our Dream Tours and honored to be asked by Digital Tour Bus to do so. I’ve been a fan of DTB for years so this is really thrilling! I’ve asked all of my fellow bandmates to compile their dream tour and here is mine. I’ve been thinking about my dream tour for pretty much my entire life, ever since I wanted to be a performer at 5 years old. Obviously, bands/artists have changed since then (sort of) haha I’m a creature of habit, but If I could personally tour with ANYONE? Dead or Alive? I’d probably say Queen with Freddie Mercury. I know, I know…Our genres are completely different but come on…how EPIC would that be? Now more realistically I would have to say Halestorm, Papa Roach, Breaking Benjamin. I feel like musically and sonically we vibe the best with those three bands and it would make for a KILLER tour. Halestorm, specifically Lzzy Hale has been a huge inspiration to me vocally and she has the most amazing attitude. She doesn’t have a care in the world what anyone thinks and that’s so infectious to me. She is the reigning supreme leader in strong, female-fronted bands, and I hope to one day get to share the stage with her, learn from her, and grow alongside her!
AJ Lopez (Guitar) – I have a really wide range of bands that I love and look up to and would love to tour with. I believe my dream tour would be Halestorm, Motionless in White, Wage War, and Starset. I’m incredibly inspired by these bands’ impacts on modern metal/rock music.
Justin Walters (Lead Guitar) – It would be rad to be able to share the stage with Ozzy for a tour. I know that’s probably not going to happen, but god damn! A more realistic answer that would be ideal is Falling In Reverse, Wage War, and then a veteran band like Papa Roach. Mhmm yeah, that would-be killer. Pardon me while I daydream.
Dane Lowell (Drums) – Hey everyone, HUGE honor to be a part of this! I’ve always thought about what I’d want my dream tour to be like and I’ve gone through various different ideas over the years hahaha. As of right now a dream tour of mine would be to go and hit the road with Halestorm, Spiritbox, Butcher Babies, and Us, I personally think that would be a killer tour! My all-time ultimate tour would be Slipknot, Korn, Breaking Benjamin, Sevendust, and us! Sharing the stage with the bands that inspired me most would just be the ultimate fever dream. Thank you so much for having us answer these questions, I love DTB and hopefully, we can make a video together one day!
Tyler Travis (Bass) – My dream tour would be sharing the stage/road with Alice in Chains, Flyleaf, and The Veer Union. Besides the fact that these are three of my top bands, AiC and Flyleaf were both huge inspirations to me when I first started playing bass. I wanted to have the bass growl of Alice, coupled with the stage presence of Flyleaf. I put the Veer Union in there because I opened for them a few years back, which was already a dream come true. But they were some of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing a show with. I feel like all of that positive energy would make a tour memorable for so many reasons.
Emelle – Thank you again, Digital Tour Bus, for having Eternal Frequency on this fun ride! We all really enjoyed the question and appreciate the opportunity! Take care and rock on!!!
Keep up with the band on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Upcoming Shows:
Saturday February 5th – XL Live – Harrisburg, PA
Friday February 18th – TELLUS 360 – Lancaster, PA