n this Preshow Rituals segment, the electro pop artist, Erin Kirby, reveals what she does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the electro pop artist, Erin Kirby, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the story, after the break.
Before every show, there are a few things that I ALWAYS do. The first thing that I have to be careful of are the foods I eat a few days before performing. This means cutting out dairy, potatoes, nuts, caffeine, and greasy foods. These foods can create a build-up of mucus which can interfere with my performance.
On the day of the show, I always make sure to warm up on the way to soundcheck, and before I head on stage for my final performance. Lip trills are my favorite warm-ups but there are a few others that my vocal Mama Jan gave me to do. Depending on how long my set is I will always try to warm up 20-30 minutes before I sing. While doing these warm-ups I also have water in hand to hydrate myself and my vocal cords. My band and I always joke around before hitting the stage. I normally like to have alone time before I sing but my bandmates are cool! We all are extremely sarcastic and we are one giant family.
The BIGGEST thing that I always do before performing is I pray to God. I am very big in my faith and I believe that God gave me this talent for a reason. In this prayer, I ask God to take over my body, my vocal cords, and to help me inspire someone in the crowd to do what they love.