Metal band, Ender, have written a set of helpful Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.

Metal band, Ender, have written a set of helpful Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.
1. Sal (Guitar): Always check your equipment before you play,after you play, on off days, always in your free time. Make sure to locate a 24 hour walmart where ever u travel to..(.you’ll thank me later)
2. Mark (Bass): Use 1 set of show clothes and put them on right before u play and take them off right after your set (save clean clothes as much as possible)
3. Danny (Drums): Make sure you stay in touch with the promoter of each show, and be sure everything thing is in order for the show at hand.
4.Casey (Guitar): Always warm up your body before playing and stretch after playing if you do certain movements that put strain on your muscles.
5. Ender (Collectively): Talk to everyone, networking is key!
Make sure to check out Ender on Facebook, Twitter & Myspace.