In this First Concert Ever segment, the electro pop artist, Emma Kade, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the electro pop artist, Emma Kade, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
The first concert I ever saw was probably Dean Brody, I think—he’s a Canadian country singer that grew up a couple of hours from where I did. I grew up in a small rural town also so people didn’t come to play here. But my dad and I drove an hour and a half at night in the middle of a blizzard with icy roads and wildlife just to get there. I was 15 or 16 at the time. Ever since then, I went to all the concerts or small shows I possibly could, and I used it as a “study time” for my artistry. I’d drag my friends and family to every show that came around, and I’d observe, wide-eyed the musician’s every move. Even if I didn’t like their music, I always still learned something. It really helped me in my performance, as that has always been the toughest part of the career for me….coming out of my shell.