In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie pop duo, DOUBLECAMP, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie pop duo, DOUBLECAMP, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
In an earlier project, we toured around in this red van. You’d turn it on, cross your fingers, and hope it would get you to where you had to go. We called her Rosie. One time, we were on our way to SXSW and were almost out of Illinois when the power steering went out. We pulled off into a gas station and smoke was coming out of the engine. We had to get it towed and fixed so the next day we could keep driving down to Austin.
After our last show there, we were driving back to our hotel and our van broke down again in the middle of the highway. Cars were trying to block traffic because our hazard lights wouldn’t shine bright enough for people to see us. The tow truck came, we strapped our gear to the back, and hitched a ride back to our hotel for the night. We got it repaired for the 2nd time that trip.
It turns out, while we were able to fix that problem, the A/C stopped working right after we picked it up. We had to finish up the last part of the tour ending in Jacksonville with no A/C. A lot of loud music, sweat, and open windows the rest of that trip, but we made it.