Del Exilio – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by the band, Del Exilio. You can check out the tips after the break.

This set of Tour Tips was written by the band, Del Exilio. You can check out the tips after the break.

1. Avoid checking baggage to save money and time, and ALWAYS avoid checking instruments- you don’t want to show up in a new city with a snapped guitar neck! Along those lines, ask a gate agent nicely before boarding if they can help you with Priority Boarding to make sure there’s space in an overhead bin or closet. American Airlines is typically excellent for this. I avoid JetBlue and Virgin Airlines at all costs when flying with gear. -Justin Goldner
2. Document as much as you can for your social media sites. If you don’t do this, it’s almost not worth going as social media is just expected these days for bands. -Dave Sandoval
3. Something will always go wrong from time to time, no matter how well you plan. The key is to always have backup plans, especially local contacts or buddies that can help you out if your gear gets stolen, your singers come down with laryngitis, or who knows what else. Having a local friend is critical whenever you can get it. -Dave Sandoval
4. All singers should massage their vocal chords daily – it works ever time for tired chords. -Sarah Gaffey
5. Always stay hydrated, exercise, stretch before a show or even yoga before playing. -Bruno Esrubilsky

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