The Deep North – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by indie rock band, The Deep North. You can check out the tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by indie rock band, The Deep North. You can check out the tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Have a co-pilot – Always have someone stay awake with the driver. No matter how many energy drinks or cups of coffee you’ve had. There’s nothing quite like “only blinking” and suddenly being in another lane to quickly learn this lesson. And if you’re all exhausted? Pull over. It’s better to be behind schedule and safe.
2. Pace yourself – Touring will earn you some of your best memories as a musician. We all have our crazy stories. It’s important to remember why you’re out there, though. As much as we all love to have a good time, it’s important to pace yourself in order to stay focused and stay healthy.
3. Van maintenance – Regardless of whether you’re staying in motel rooms or on people’s floors… the van is your home. It’s important for everyone to keep it clean, and also make sure that it’s been for a tune up / oil change pre-tour. Be good to your home!
4. Pack healthy, cheap snacks – Before you leave, hit up a bulk style store like Costco and stock up on things like granola bars, bottled water, etc. You’ll make fewer stops and you’ll at least have an option when you start dreading the fast food that will seem omnipresent. Especially if you’re a vegetarian.
5. Journal, document, photograph – There will probably come a moment, especially if you tend to be an introvert, where being away from home will start to take its toll. Most musicians who’ve toured will tell you, “When you’re on tour you want to go home… when you’re home you want to be on tour.” Remember why you’re out there, and make sure to let the experience sink in. Keep a journal. Take a lot of photos. You may not always realize it, but you’re having the time of your life.