In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative rock band, Deaf Radio, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative rock band, Deaf Radio, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
It was during the summer of 2017 when we had announced a bunch of summer shows including one in Preveza, Greece at the Pre-Post festival for the promotion of our first album “Alarm”.
Back then, Dimitris Georgopoulos had joined the band, substituting Antonis, our first bass player. Dimitris was also playing the bass for another band – Cyanna Mercury – which was touring in Bulgaria at that time. Although, Cyanna Mercury was playing in Sofia, Bulgaria -nearly 650 km away from Preveza- one day before our gig, Dimitris had reassured us that he will make it to our show even if he would have had to travel on his own from Bulgaria. Famous last words.
The rest of the band just got to Preveza straight from Athens by car. We had to be at the festival at 15:00 for a soundcheck etc. “Guys, has anyone spoken with Dimitris?”. It was the beginning of one of the most stressful experiences we have had as a band so far. “No, his mobile phone is switched off.” Oh no. Truth is that his relationship with his cellphone is not the best you can get, however, soundcheck time was close enough and still no one could find him, though we had tried several times.
We started thinking of a workaround. Maybe one of our guitarists could play through the bass amp as well except his classic set-up. But that wouldn’t save the day. While we were struggling to find the best possible solution suddenly, we heard: “Hey guys, I am here. I made it!”. Yeahhhh! It was Dimitris! We run towards him and asked him why he was so late and why he had his mobile phone switched off.
Dimitris told us that he had rented a car from Bulgaria and then traveled all the way down to Greece on his own because he wouldn’t be on time if he had traveled with the rest of the band. He had run out of battery – that’s why his cellphone was switched off and he also got lost because he was trying to avoid the tolls. What can you say about him?
Fortunately, he made it on time, and we played the show – that’s what matters in the end.