David Defeis of Virgin Steele – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by David Defeis from Virgin Steele. You can check them out after the break.

David Defeis of Virgin Steele – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by David Defeis from Virgin Steele. You can check them out after the break.

1. Bring ear plugs…if not for onstage, then absolutely for sleeping, as there will always be someone awake and roaring on the bus just when you wish to go to sleep. I slept with a sword in my bunk on every tour…so when things got too annoying…I could come out wailing.

2. Bring extra toilet paper and water, as the bus will always run out of both! Also some kind of sanitizer, as the drivers don’t often do a proper job of keeping the bus clean…Horde all in your bunk!

3. Keep all valuables with you at all times….money, whatever….Even onstage. I used to disguise the valuables and hide them in plain sight so I could watch over all from my onstage vantage point. The others greatly appreciated this, as we never lost anything.

4. When staying in hotels, always carry the name and address of the hotel with you. It is very easy to separate from the group, wander around a city…meet up with new people, then forget where you were…and have no idea how to get back to your tribe.

5. Wake up early to grab the clean venue shower….if you sleep in, invariably the shower will be a muddy pile of filth by the time you get to it….also for this reason…bring rubber water type shoes for such pleasant occasions.

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