This crazy story from the road was written by the country music artist, Dana Michael. You can check out his story, after the break.


This crazy story from the road was written by the country music artist, Dana Michael. You can check out his story, after the break.

Being on the road I feel like you’re guaranteed to experience some crazy things. I remember being in Indiana and we couldn’t find the venue. The band I was with was playing that night. So we pull up to a set of train tracks and stop because the gate was down (signaling that a train was coming…) The next thing we know, the gate goes up like it was clear for us to just go. When we put the van into drive to start going, the gate starts to go down and wedges between our van and the trailer.

Looking over our shoulders to the right we see the damn train coming. All that could happen was the dude that was driving had to slam on the gas and break the gate to get out of there as fast as humanly possible. I felt like I was Steven Seagull in a damn action movie man, that shit was so terrifying. I’ll never forget that day.

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