In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop artist, Daimy Lotus, reveals what she does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop artist, Daimy Lotus, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals, after the break.
Before a show, I always get overwhelmed with excitement because I get to do what I love most, being on stage and performing my art surrounded by amazing people!
Usually, excitement takes the upper hand but I’m always feeling a bit anxious too. I’m a little bit of a control freak, meaning I want to give the best show that I possibly can so I tend to double-check things like the set list, light plan, make-up, clothes, etc. multiple times haha. I consider it a good thing but it can be stressful at times. That’s why I always need to take a moment with myself before doing a show. My band members know I need this so when the time’s there I give them a hug, wish them a good show and seclude myself from the ‘noise’. I take at least 10 minutes, depending on where we’re playing and how much time we have, to focus on my breathing and do my last vocal exercises. I pep talk myself and make sure my head is ‘calm’ before I go on stage. I always find the process very interesting because as soon as I set foot on stage all my anxiety and worries are gone, I just feel super comfortable and have the best time ever!