This new set of Tour Tips was written by the band, CUSSES. You can check them out after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the band, CUSSES. You can check them out after the break.
1. The need to rock, without this we would not be on tour.
2. Ace bandages, Angel has bad ankles. Every time she jumps she thinks one of her feet are going to fall off. She is still wanting Ace bandage as her only endorsement .
3. Diesel fuel, this is a must for our bus. We wish it would go down in price just a little, as prices go up, the band still gets paid the same.
4. Ibuprofen ……….more please.
5. A fan in the front row ready to rock. A loyal local fan is the best and only reason to tour and is a absolute must for hopping in the bus to the next gig. Without them this whole thing is a bust.