In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative rock artist, Cold Coke Hogan, talks about the story of his first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative rock artist, Cold Coke Hogan, talks about the story of his first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
As a musician, your first concert is nothing short of a completely religious experience, of course, that would mean that Hilary Duff is my god.
I remember climbing the steps to the nosebleeds, not even old enough (7) to understand there were “bad” or “good” seats, just repeating over and over:
“She has to play fly…
She has to play fly….
She has to play fly…”
For months my cousins and I had coordinated, communicated, and colluded every detail of the evening, which was a Christmas morning attack from our amazing mothers (big shout out to Sharon, you’re the best mom ever). I won’t share the embarrassing details of the clothing choices I labored over, but there was too much makeup, and an outfit which, to put it nicely, challenged conventional fashion boldly.
Hillary came on stage and I’ll never forget the overwhelming feelings of wonder mixed with glee that drowned out the world around me. She was real. The girl from my TV was real. My best friend, the one who came around every night and sang me songs, and went on adventures, and was always there for me even when no one else was. She was real, and she was here.
The tour was a metamorphosis. Hillary played Fly second to last because it’s a certified banger (if you disagree, I will see you in court). These days I’m not listening to nearly as much Hillary Duff, and maybe there’s not a lot of her in the music I’m making, but I’m not even slightly embarrassed to say that this first concert changed my life and set me on a path that lead to here.
The hair, that I’ll be embarrassed about until the day I die.
Keep up with him on Instagram.