In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop punk artist, Cody Frost, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop punk artist, Cody Frost, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
I’m lucky enough to have seen MCR before they broke up, I was 14 when I saw my first show, too young to go without an adult. I opted to go with a cool emo lady I lived a couple of doors down from. I remember thinking I had to look the part and so I used some semi-permanent red hair dye in my swooped bangs and painted my nails black.
They were performing at the MEN arena (now it had a different name) in Manchester. I had always dreamed of this day, and to be honest from what I remember it was exactly what I dreamt! I had been watching videos of MCR from the age of 10, and never stopped loving them since! Gerard Way was everything I aspired to be as a performer and I still think I use their performances as a point of reference. The Danger Days tour was bursting with colour and angst and they smashed every single song. I had never felt so cool, being in a room with so many people that looked and dressed like me. I felt like it was where I belonged.
I left with two t-shirts that I still have and still wear all the time, that was the start of my love for watching live music, I went on to see and meet loads of bands but nothing will ever really beat that show, I’m pretty sure I cried when it finished, I’m pretty sure I’ll also cry when i see them in Milton Keynes this year too!