In this Dream Tour segment, the rap metal band, CANTERVICE, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the rap metal band, CANTERVICE, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
We’ll definitely have to filter the CANTERVICE dream tour to currently active bands and limit it to a 5 band ticket, just to keep things from getting too out of hand. For our dream tour, we’re going with Bring Me the Horizon, Fever 333, Bad Omens, and Rammstein.
Bring Me the Horizon is an obvious pick for everyone. They’ve certainly had their influence imprinted on CV, especially with their Post-Human era/Mick Gordon sound. Oli and Jordan are a deadly writing combo, everything they touch seems to turn into gold. Their live shows are absolutely monumental and it would be a dream to open for such an act.
Fever 333 is an easy pick from a narrative side of things. Although Fever tends to focus more through the POC lens there is still the overarching theme of corrupt governments and oppression, which are themes embedded into the CV narrative. In a live setting, the amount of raw energy that comes from their 3-piece act exceeds that of any band right now.
Bad Omens is a pretty new face to the rock/metal world, and they’re quickly rising to the top. They have a diverse sound across their discography but they still manage to keep everything well connected without giving you tonal whiplash. Noah is such a unique vocalist, one who has really come into his own with their last album cycle. We can’t wait to see what they do next.
Rammstein is definitely the outlier here being they are a much older band and were previously crossing well into the mainstream. Most wouldn’t realize it, but they actually are a strong influence on the CV sound. Their dark industrial vibe and unique blend of metal guitars and electronica, all things CV strives for sonically. Aside from that, they probably have the greatest live show on earth, one that any aspiring anarchist or pyromaniac would give a stamp of approval on.