In this Tour Tips segment, the rap metal artist, Becko, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.


In this Tour Tips segment, the rap metal artist, Becko, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.

1. Take a bathrobe: Every day is a surprise on tour, and you can end up being in a house of someone that you do not know without knowing how to dry up after a shower, so a bathrobe is always dope!
2. Do all the important stuff before you are super drunk and fucked up: Take all the stuff away from the stage, load the van, charge your phone for the next day and now you can enjoy the after-party getting drunk and happy! If you do not do this in the right order, you will lose the phone, you will lose your jacks, and you will lose something that the next days will be so important for playing and continuing the tour!
3. Try to eat well, spending the least amount you can: In all the gigs there will be catering that is always healthy food; fruit, some sandwiches, pasta… You will arrive on afternoon at the gig, so if you are hungry, I suggest you wait and take some coffee for the morning in a bar or in the place you slept, having caffeine to drive. Go directly to the gig eating there at lunch. You will be stuck there for three or four hours so you can eat and chill till evening when they will get you the dinner. No money spent.
4. Take medicine with you: On tour the stress extremely high. I always had a lot of headaches from stress, concerts at high volumes, being drunk. here in Italy, there is a medicine called Oki task that is perfect for this kind of stuff (There is ketoprofen inside). You will get fever sometimes, stomachache sometimes, so if you have medicine with you, you will be prepared!
5. Concentration: Being on tour is fun of course, but it is your job. you are there to make people cry, to make people happy, to make people feel something from you. All you need is being grounded, concentrate, and energized to make the best of you in all the dates. No matter how many people you got under your stage, your energy needs to be at 100% in that hour you must play. So, you need to rest when you can, sleep well when you can put all you have, in the performance.

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