In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, BEA, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, BEA, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
I feel like I should have made up a cooler answer to this question but honestly, my first ever concert was Westlife. I must have been about 9 or 10 years old and my cousin and I went with our mums… it was definitely a treat for them disguised as a treat for us.
It was in the Odyssey Arena in Belfast and the first time I had ever been in an arena before which was very cool and slightly overwhelming. I remember being so confused at all of the middle-aged women in Westlife t-shirts screaming their lungs out. Little did I know that in a few years time I would be doing exactly the same thing at a One Direction concert… but we’ll not talk about that because that’s even more embarrassing than Westlife being my first ever concert.
I’ve been to a few crazy concerts in my time and let me tell you, Westlife is definitely up there. My mum was washing the beer out of my hair for days and I don’t think I’ve ever fully had my hearing back since. Do not underestimate the power of the middle-aged woman!
All in all, I had a great night! I was right up there boogying with all the mums. But actually on a serious note, after that night I remember playing Westlife CD’s every day on repeat in the car and singing my little heart out. That was about the time I started to love singing. I even sang a Westlife song for an audition at my school talent show when I was 11. So maybe I have more to thank Westlife for than I would like to admit.
As uncool as it is, Westlife has since been and will always be a guilty pleasure of mine. I even went to see them again on their reunion tour last year. They may not have influenced the music I make today but they definitely had a part to play in a younger me discovering she loved to sing and that’s gotta count for something!