In this Tour Tips segment, the pop rock band, BAXTR, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop rock band, BAXTR, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.
On the road
– Big umbrellas to pee behind on the road.
– Take loo roll and wipes everywhere.
– Tupperware for buffet breakfasts at hotel stops.
– Take your own towel and spare pillowcase.
– Try and wear a shirt from one of the bands you are playing with. They might share their rider.
– A few pairs of cheap sunglasses. So it doesn’t matter when you lose or break them.
– Most importantly SNACKS and NAPS!!! Snacks, snacks, and more snacks!!! Blankly and neck pillow.
– Ear protection for gigs, earplugs for snorers.
– NEVER leave your equipment unattended in an open backstage area
– Double-up on everything as a backup. Triple if possible. Can never be too prepared
– Always get aquatinted properly with the in house sound engineer, and other bands playing (or at least do your best)
– Go offstage during soundcheck to see if it sounds how it’s meant to out front. Sound Engineers may not have heard your stuff. Also make sure to give them a set of you have specific notes, make clear notes and queues for where you might want silence on any mics or significant pushes on certain songs/parts/etc. Communication always key
– Granted they have shown the same respect back, always try to watch and support the other bands on the Bill
– Just pure rock out!!! If you don’t leave the stage with whiplash, you didn’t donut right!!!
LEEP – Get as much sleep as you can! Traveling and performing really take its toll so make sure you get enough rest.
EXPLORE – I really like to hit two birds with one stone and get my exercise in whilst I explore. I love getting up in a new place and going for a run and seeing the place from a runners point of view
BE FLEXIBLE – Sometimes things don’t go to plan – equipment can break or perhaps people can have different ideas. To keep the tour positive and fun, try and be flexible and go with it. Things won’t always go to plan but that’s ok.
BE PRESENT – Sometimes it can feel a bit same-y, same people you travel with, same hotels, same food, etc. However, I always try and connect with new people and make each show special. You never know who is at the show and how long they’ve traveled to be there.
Drumming essentials
– Earplugs – bring a spare set
– In-ear monitors/ headphones – bring spares
– Gaffer tape – a few rolls
– A few drum keys
– Loads of sticks
– Spare snare head
When on stage
– Pace yourself!
– Make sure you sort your levels out in soundcheck and don’t be afraid to adjust during the show
– Make eye contact with the band members and enjoy!!!
– You might wanna think about getting your gear PAT tested before you hit the road.
– Power up and eat 1-hour or more before you go on stage! Don’t eat right before and compromise your diaphragm action!
– Drink plenty of water at least 2-4 hours before. Water takes hours to hydrate your vocal cords and you wanna have a wet whistle for the wailin’.
– Get yourself a ritual for getting into a good headspace before you play. Living in other people’s pockets can be hard going and it may help to have a regular pre-show moment that is just for you.
– Take a perfume and dry shampoo. You’re deffo gonna stink at some point and a nice smell can help lift your mood.
– Take an electric tester (multimeter) with you. Test the mic before you play. If you’re concerned about safety – refuse to play. No gig is worth risking your life for.
– Don’t put yourself at risk of electric shock and if you can, wear rubber-soled shoes. Keith Richard survived his shock, but others sadly haven’t been so lucky.
-I’m no doctor, but electrolytes seem great for hangovers and help bring your voice back from the brink if you’ve been a bit slack on the vocal TLC.
-The temptation is always to fill a big stage, but personally, I have always enjoyed gigs more (both performed and watched) when the band has stayed tight on stage, sharing energy.
– Have a “whoopsie” plan prepared for if something goes wrong – a story you can tell or a tune 1 or 2 of you can play.
-Plug plug plug your merch! People may not even know it’s there!