In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer-songwriter, Amy Jay, reveals what she does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer-songwriter, Amy Jay, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the story, after the break.
You know, it’s funny thinking back to pre-show rituals pre-covid. It feels like another era, another world that is the distant past. If it sounds like I’m reminiscing, I am. But who knows… maybe this will fuel future socially distant pre-show rituals yet to be!
I’m a vocalist primarily so everything I do revolves around keeping my voice in tip-top shape. It all starts with sleeping in. Getting rest is so important. Then the rehearsal, which hopefully at this point we are not learning parts but addressing some moments in the show. It eases my anxiety to know we got “one more” practice in before hitting the stage. If I can get a voice lesson in, I will do that too. Nothing feels better than a healthy voice, and I’m grateful for my teacher who focuses on just that. Once all that final prep is over, the nerves start setting in. You’d think after what feels like a lifetime of performing I wouldn’t have stage fright, but it’s always there, lurking.
If I am feeling congested or run down, I will use my portable steamer. I swear that thing is magic and if you haven’t used one, go buy one now and it will change your life forever. I’ll probably watch a show or two, so I can don’t have to talk or think about the nerves. The other thing I swear by is ginger honey crystals from prince of peace. It’s basically straight ginger that dissolves in hot water, and with that also any sore throat I have. It must be how it got its name.
I refuse to ingest any dairy or greasy food before shows. Don’t even try to convince me. I don’t need anything else clogging up the chords or messing with my head. Instead, I usually opt for a soup or salad, something light, and then pound more of that ginger tea or other herbal tea… and when it’s cold outside and I’m feeling extra fancy I will have a hot toddy.
Right before I get on stage I’ll grab seltzer water. It is my go-to at all times, and also good on the throat. I also like to do a little stretch to open up my lungs. Touch my toes, reach my arms kind of thing. And I’ll probably sneak away to pray really quick before I hop on stage. I like to think that my music isn’t just for me and perform with a humble mind. At this point the adrenaline is high but as soon as we start that first song, it just feels like home.