42 Decibel – TOUR PRANKS
In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock band, 42 Decibel, share a prank from the road. You can read their story, after the break.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock band, 42 Decibel, share a prank from the road. You can read their story, after the break.
Matt: Nicko likes to drink grape juice before every gig, and sometimes Junior likes to add a little scotch to it while Nicko’s not watching. Works every time!
Billy Bob: Matt, our new bass player, almost missed one of his first gigs because of a prank we pulled on him. We had to be at 11 pm at the venue to start unloading everything and putting together all the drums, amps, etc. Matt got there early, and there was no one there yet. So he called Nicko and he told him that the gig was cancelled! Matt was about to leave the venue when it was all revealed as a prank.
Junior: We also like to hide the cables from Billy Bob. He makes his own cables out of parts he buys separately, so he’s very fond of them. We hide them and watch him go nuts. We don’t touch his slide, though… that’d be heresy!
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