3 Pill Morning – 1st ROAD BLOG from “20th House of Blues Anniversary Tour” with Hollywood Undead
The rock band, 3 Pill Morning, is currently on the “20th House of Blues Anniversary Tour” with Hollywood Undead, Escape The Fate and All Hail The Yeti. During this tour, they will be blogging for us. You can check out…

The rock band, 3 Pill Morning, is currently on the “20th House of Blues Anniversary Tour” with Hollywood Undead, Escape The Fate and All Hail The Yeti. During this tour, they will be blogging for us. You can check out their first entry, after the break.
June 24, 2013
We begin our long drive out west to Seattle to kick-off the Hollywood Undead tour. The long plains of North Dakota and eastern Montana suck up about the first 12 hours of driving…easy drive, very flat, kinda boring. (Check out picture 1 below)
June 25, 2013
Over the mountains to land in Spokane, WA for a headlining show at a newer venue in town called the Center. Spokane and Rock 99.5 have been awesome to us and we had a killer time playing this “pre-HU” show. To everyone that came out and partied with us, we definitely appreciate it!
June 26, 2013
Rain, mountains, sun, rain, rain…sounds like Seattle and the chaos of the first day of our summer tour with Hollywood Undead. Also on the road with us for these first few shows is Pop Evil and All Hail the Yeti. The Space Needle was intact, so we knew we were in the right place. Downtown Seattle is busy and we had to quickly drop our gear and park about a mile away from the venue with the bus and trailer. Lots of good walking in and it was well worth it because the show KICKED ASS! Picture is blurry, but the crowd was LIVE! (Check out picture 2 and 3 below)
June 27, 2013
Back over the Rocky Mountains again to Missoula, MT. A very, very cool older theater in downtown Missoula is the Wilma Theatre. Lots of history and some of the most energetic people we’ve had the opportunity to hang out with. Incredible night number two and we can’t wait to hit Montana again soon! (Check out picture 4 and 5 below)
June 29, 2013
The first five days of tour involved driving over 3,700 miles and countless hours in the bus to make each show. June 29th we had our first outdoor festival of the run with Theory of a Deadman, 3 Years Hollow and Candlelight Red. The only concern was that it was storming all day, right up until our set time…and then the heavens opened up to clear the night for the entire show. Amazing night and so happy people braved the weather and came out early to see us! Awesome party. (Check out picture 6 and 7 below)
July 1, 2013
A quick day off in Minneapolis and then it was off to Aberdeen, SD for a big ol’ bash with 94.1! We love playing SD and this converted convention center was all rock and roll all night long. Very gracious crowd and good to see many friends out at the show! (Check out picture 8 and 9 below)
July 2, 2013
Hometown show. These nights always feel a little bit more special, but also a lot more hectic as you try to squeeze in as much friends and family time as possible, but instead time just flies and everything is a blur. This was the first rock show at Skyway Theater and we hope to be a part of many more in the future. It was an incredible night and we made a ton of new 3 Pill Morning fans in our hometown, which is always awesome! See ya soon Mpls! (Check out picture 10 below)
July 3, 2013
We had to leave MN immediately to make an acoustic radio show at WIIL Rock on Wednesday morning before our big show at House of Blues in Chicago that night. The acoustic show and interview were a blast and a big thanks to WIIL Rock for having us. Only problem is, Chicago was having a VERY bad traffic day. It took us 2.5 hours to go 30 miles and we were going to be extremely late for our load in. By the time we got there, we had time to set up and start to warm up for our show almost immediately. A little stressed and a little rushed, but we have so many awesome fans and friends in Chicago, that it felt like home anyway. A truly awesome night in an awesome venue. Check out our wicked new massive scrims from Cellucore! (Check out picture 11 below)
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