In this Dream Tour segment, the melodic metal band, 1.O.M, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the melodic metal band, 1.O.M, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
A dream tour I’d love to be on would have to include these 4 artists: Architects, Jeff Williams, Issues, and Destiny Potato/Sordid Pink.
Architects is a recent addition to this lineup because of their recent performances with live orchestras. I’ve always been a fan of them but those performances were just something else. The band seems to know how to work with them really well, and I’d just love to pick the brains of whoever wanted to put those two elements together!
Jeff Williams, for those who don’t know, is an artist who composes tracks for the animated show RWBY, and by god does he make some absolute bangers. His songwriting style and how his tracks serve the scenes they score have been a huge inspiration to me and is one of the reasons I started being comfortable writing instrumental music.
Issues was THE first band that I listened to that blended genres uniquely, borrowing chords and rhythmic patterns from genres that I never listened to of my own volition back in high school: Rnb and Jazz. The way they injected those into their “primary” genre of metalcore was done so well, that they are my benchmark for combining different elements and styles.
Destiny Potato/Sordid Pink is a brainchild of David Maxim Micic, who is another huge inspiration of mine that I’d love to tour with. Their first album(under their first moniker) is one of the few albums I’ve listened to where each song consistently connects with me, and the whole album keeps me engaged the whole time. From the grooves to the melodies to the occasional delightfully unusual instruments used in it, the Lun album had something new and/or improved for me to listen to the further in I got.
As you can see, all these artists have one thing in common. I have so much to learn from all of them, and just being able to hang around and to get the opportunity to pick their brains would be amazing. It’s a faint, distant image, but maybe one day 1.O.M could open for them at a show haha.