Warbly Jets – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the alternative rock band, Warbly Jets, give you their tips for being on tour.

Warbly Jets – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the alternative rock band, Warbly Jets, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

1. Earplugs. Earplugs. Earplugs.
It’s obviously crucial to protect your ears during shows, but you’ll also need them handy at any odd time of the day. Van’s can be pretty loud and road noise shouldn’t be underestimated and planes can be pretty annoying to deal with if you’re super hungover. Or maybe some people come back after the show to party in the room you’re sleeping in. You’ll never have to lose any sleep as long as you put your earplugs in. Rule #1 – Earplugs.
2. Van Is Life
Treat your van like you would treat somebody else’s home. A clean van can make all the difference in everyone’s comfort level. Throw out your fucking trash anytime you stop to gas up or eat. Otherwise, one day you’ll be wondering why it smells so bad while struggling to find the moldy whole foods lunch someone didn’t finish. Respect the van.
3. Water/Hydration
Huge gallons of filtered water are dirt cheap at gas stations and are perfect for long drives (so long as you’re not downing it and have to piss every hour). Water is key to helping your voice while keeping hydrated is a simple tool to help prevent against getting sick. Staying hydrated is just better for you no matter what.
4. Podcasts
When music is your life it can get a little taxing to listen to all of the time. Podcasts can be a great balance for everyone subjected to listening to whatever it is you’ve got on your Spotify. Rather than trying to convince people that Future is good, try out a few podcasts and maybe some learn something other than literally nothing. Radiolab, Lore, Revisionist History are all excellent, but there really is a ton of great stuff out there.
5. Floor It
Honestly, sleeping on the floor of a van is actually way more comfortable than it sounds. With the proper arrangement of pillows, blankets, or sleeping bags, it’s no different than camping. It also frees up an entire bench for the person next to you, so good looking out!

Keep up with the band on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

(Photo credit: Moni Haworth)