Serianna – TOUR TIPS

Wisconsin natives, Serianna, have written a set of Tour Tips that you guys can learn from. You can check them out after the break.

Serianna – TOUR TIPS

Wisconsin natives, Serianna, have written a set of Tour Tips that you guys can learn from. You can check them out after the break.

1. Eating on the road can be hard and expensive. If your band is a frequent fast food eater, SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS!
Many fast food chains put surveys on the back of their receipt where you can get free food for your opinion. Also, Walmart has GREAT pre-made salads that are healthy, and delicious.
2. Make sure to introduce yourself to the other bands and their crew the first day of tour, otherwise it’ll just get awkward the more days that pass.
3. Walmart sells jugs of water for 89 cents that are perfect for parking lot showers. Just pop on your swimsuit and lather up!
4. Many bands think leaving the van’s air-conditioning or heat on all night wastes way to much gas. It doesn’t! You probably spend between 5-10 dollars at the MOST, which is way cheaper than a hotel room. It may not be completely healthy for the engine, but it’s a simple luxury.
5. Do not text and drive! The danger is not worth risking it, plus you are responsible for the band/crew. Either make the phone call with a hands free headset, or have Siri send your text.

Make sure to check out Serianna on Facebook and Twitter.