Old Sea Brigade – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Old Sea Brigade, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Old Sea Brigade – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Old Sea Brigade, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Tip #1: Try to eat fresh fruit every day
You’ll just feel better about yourself and life in general. With all the processed foods you eat on tour, having that extra vitamin C really helps keep you feeling okay. Plus, getting sick on tour is awful so any preventable measures are definitely recommended.
Tip #2: Don’t do the all you can eat Chinese buffet
Just don’t. It might be cheap but you’ll regret it. If you’re doing fast food, try to stick to the name brand chains. At least then you know what you’re getting.
Tip #3: Power naps
20-minute power naps are life changing on tour. Let’s face it, you rarely get full 8 hr sleep while on the road so when you get a chance to nap definitely do it. If you stick to 20 minutes or less I find you usually wake up feeling more recharged than tired and sluggish (as compared to a long nap).
Tip #4: Meet new people
Since you get a chance to go to a new city almost every day, try and meet locals. That’s how you can find cool restaurants, bars, and random things to check out. It beats asking Siri where the closest McDonalds is.
Tip #5: Exercise
Try and go for a run or walk every now and then. You’re sitting for hours every day in your van so a little exercise really goes a long way mentally and physically. Plus it’s a nice way to recharge and clear your mind.

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