Dan Croll – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Dan Croll, gives you his tips for being on tour.

Dan Croll – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Dan Croll, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

1. Headphones
Headphones are going to be your best friend, they’re going to take you away form all of the dark and nasty moments of touring. Its only natural that you need a break from the people you’re sharing a van with, touring is really intense for the strongest of minds, so putting in your headphones and putting on something to take you away from the moment will solve it all.
2. Diet
Eating shit is fun and it tastes great, but you can’t always eat shit, before long you’ll run into a shitwall. To clarify I’m not talking about feces, I’m talking about greasy fast food. Being on the road it’s so cheap and available, and often enough your only option, but it’s essential to balance it out with some fresh veg. My advice, stock up on the carrot sticks for a nice refreshing van snack.
3. Berocca (or equivalent) and painkillers
At some point, you’re going to have a steaming hangover (if not, you’re not doing it right) and you’re going to be in a world of dehydrated pain. Smash a Berocca and painkillers down your gob and power through.
4. Spare phone charger
Phone chargers disappear, either forgotten or stolen by your band mates, and at some point, you’re going to need to drop your girlfriend/wife/mum a line to tell them that you’re alive. Make sure you’ve got a back-up for when it inevitably goes missing. Even smarter is to buy a cigarette lighter one for the van.
5. Have fun
As obvious and cliché as it is, you’ve got to remember to have fun. Remember how lucky you are to be in a van traveling and playing shows, often enough with your best friends, people would kill to be doing what you’re doing so for god sake be grateful and enjoy it.

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(Photo credit: Derrick Santini)